Saturday, September 17, 2005

A Thirst for knowledge... or an ear?

Hmm, just took one of those 'learning styles' tests. Very interesting - here's my results.

Style Scores

Visual 11
Aural 19
Verbal 10
Physical 7
Logical 8
Social 12
Solitary 12

Here's what all of this means:

Personal Blatherings

Captains Log, Stardate, 17092005.

I'm starting to realise that after I've spent long periods away from the Word, I tend to start to get... I dunno, this'll sound weird, but cravings. Like the feeling that something is missing from my life.

I confess, for the last week or so, I've been mega-slack in quiet times. Although I've had great times of prayer, I'm finding myself missing the 'meat' of the Bible.

Thus I get to the point of wanting something, so I resolve to do it... tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and I don't do a quiet time and then I feel guilty and then I resolve to do it... tomorrow. This continues for a week. Then I go through a "Bible binge" whereby I read about 8 chapters in one book and 10 in the other. And then my week gets busy again, and the cycle repeats.

I guess its just a question of laziness and lack of discipline, like I'll really really want to do something at one point, but when push comes to shove i.e. my will to read the bible comes up against my will to go back to sleep, I tend to be weak minded.

Self-discipline is what I've been praying for most recently, like, self-control etc. Fear of going through with something, like hesitating before a bungee jump, isn't something that I really suffer from. It's the getting out there and actually doing stuff I struggle with... especially when there's something that takes less effort to do lying around... like dvd's :) Anyway, I'm gonna work on things, so feel free to come up to me and ask how my discipline is going.

Hmm, that's about all - ttfn.


Interesting Facts

Just some things I learnt this morning while travelling on the citycat - you know, the one with the big tv. That just plays ads. And trivial stuff.

Well, considering the title of my blog, I thought I'd better publish some interesting facts, and hopefully moreso in the future I'll have interesting stuff up.

111 111 111 x 111 111 111 = 12 345 678 987 654 321

Each of the indigenous names of ferries correspond to a destination on the Citycat's route. i.e. Kiralpa = West End

There is a Superman in every episode of Seinfeld
That's about all I can remember :)


Friday, September 16, 2005

The Motorcycle Diaries

Motorcycle learners - Passed, 5/5 :) Bout time too :P

For some reason today I was reminded of Che Guavara's Motorcycle Diaries.

Perhaps I should start my own trip around the country?

Che is Good: Link
Che is Bad: Link


It's funny cos it's true

I received this in my email, thanks to mel kingham :) God bless ya chicken.

Petrol's too expensive

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Did you have a ball at the ball? hehe

As promised, courtesy of the new online webhosting offsite, may I present:
"Pictures of the ball"

Click on them for larger version.

P.S. Thanks for taking pictures Lisa!


What then, of the end?

Hmm... there's another question that I've been wondering about. Now, as a disclaimer, its not so much the concept of suicide, but the concept of Christian attitudes towards certain things.

One thing I think is that we should take care of our bodies, they've been given to us by God for a temporary time, and they belong to Him. It doesn't mean I take care of it all the time, but yeah, I agree with people who say that we should take care of it. (And I will, eventually)

Now someone who does not move when they know a truck is coming towards them and they are fully capable of moving is classed as having committed suicide.

Some people argue that those who smoke or binge drink should be placed in that same category, albeit at the expense of being able to blame the addiction.

Obesity related deaths are on the rise (Link), and its concerning to me - I find it hard to not over-eat, and due to various reasons don't get as much exercise as I should. But what then, of the above quandary - am I slowly killing myself?

Now sorry to get so deep again :o) but yeah. I don't want to try and convict anyone of treating themselves badly, but tis just a thought about how we view other people, because I used to think people who binge drink and smoke are pretty much asking for death. But then I realised I was probably doing the same thing with Maccas and Coke.

Hey, they rhyme!

I used to Binge drink and smoke,
And not remember anything when I woke,
But I've turned a new leaf
Now I'm addicted to beef
In the slow death that is Maccas and Coke.

Lol, how macabre...

Have a lovely day!! Smell the roses! Send a love letter! Use exclamation marks after every sentence! See what a difference it makes!


Myer Catalogue & Frustration

On Wednesdays, I start work at 7am.

I finished my KMB638 assignment by 7:30, QTAC's applet is buggy so I can't apply to them yet, and I'm printing out all the application forms for Schoolies again. All I can say is, perhaps qtac don't want people to apply for tertiary courses, seeing as all applications are due in 15 days and their online application applet is buggy. Frustration abounds...

'What to do, what to do,' I wondered, 'I'm here til 11am'. Then... the realisation that I have a blog set in.

The other day a friend of mine asked what seemed to be a rhetorical question - "Will I ever become a person who actually thinks seriously about spending too much on all this junk I don't need from a Myer Catalogue?". But then I thought about it - I wouldn't mind a large, italian leather sofa. In fact, chances are if I have the chance, I'll buy one. And then my mind spiralled into the never-ending justification and re-justification of spending lots on creature comforts when other people are needy. You know what I'm talking about -
'How can you buy that when someone's going hungry tonight?'
'Yeah, well I went hungry, then I went out and worked so I could earn enough to buy this.'
'And the poor?'
'They can get a damn job.'
'I don't think that a hobo down the road has the most ease getting a job - [sarcastically] I mean, his resume probably doesn't have as much polish as yours :P'
'Yeah, well, he'd probably just waste the money I give him on drugs and alcohol.'
'What you mean like you waste it on takeaway?'
'Yeah well I'm in a situation where I can!'
'What do you expect him to do - save up the two dollar coins and then buy an air-conditioner to install on the side of his box which he sleeps in?'
'Yeah, that's exactly what I expect him to do.'
[My other shakes his head and walks off]
[My real self feels guilty for awhile, then goes and buys some food]


Monday, September 12, 2005

The Best Is Yet To Come...

Heh. The thing about shopping, I've found, is you have to do it quickly, while you still have money but before the guilt steps in. I sold my Foo Fighters ticket today, and then quickly went shopping. JB Hi Fi just keeps getting better... the temptation was magnified by all the cd's I wanted being cheaper than I thought they'd be. I bought Interpol - Antics, and Doves - Some Cities, all up my bill came to $35. I only narrowly avoided buying Coldplay - X & Y, which was $18.99... I'm certain it's only a matter of time before I buy my own JB Hi Fi store.

I finished an assignment this morning, of which I'm very proud. It's even, like, four days early! My tutor scared me though, I played him the soundscape I'd made, and he was initially indicating like I'd totally gone off track... but then I explained to him the ideas and direction behind it and apparently what I've done sounds like a really good idea :-) I'm just perplexed as to how he thought I was on the wrong track at the beginning, and then suddenly was convinced that it was a great idea. Ah well... best leave things well enough alone.

The title of this post is such due to the fact that I'm gonna have some webspace soon, hosting things like fullsize images, video and mp3's.

That's right... online publishing my friends. I'm psyched about it.
