Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Year ey...

Hey all... It's a new year innit... I suppose I should come back and say hi.

I'm back at uni, playing catchup :S however it's the kind of catch up that's really quite stimulating. I'm doing three subjects this semester - Jazz & Pop Workshop, World Music and Composing for Digital Environments. Awesome stuff in all three subjects so far. I feel inspired each week. Composing for Digital is really starting to grab a hold on me - it's more about programming, and this kind of programming I can really dig :)

Been challenged in so many ways over the past month or so, but it's been a good few weeks. I'll be having my 21st Birthday party (Yeehah :D) in a couple of weeks, you all better be there. I won't accept any excuse that isn't accompanied by a Doctor's Certificate.

Hope that everyone out there is going well, and if you know me, or are in the Coopers Plains area on the 24th, you're invited to my bash - the invite is included below. (I think if you click on it it'll take you to a bigger copy...)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Weird Tale

Hey Guys,

I know I haven't been here for a while, but more shall be coming soon. I'm back at uni and bad as ever. Well, kinda. I'll be back to normal entries after I post this story.

I'm posting this because I had an extremely weird experience the other day. I was working in my cubicle, when suddenly a Fed Ex wallet landed in my mailbox. I was puzzled, as Fed Ex doesn't deliver to my office, let alone deliver to Australia. However I opened it, to find an old flick-style phone. It started ringing as soon as I took it out of the wallet.

"Hello, Luke" A deep, sonorous voice greeted me before I had a chance to answer. "We've been watching you for some time. I need you to go to the window".
I followed his instructions without even realising, and before I knew it I was standing next to an open window on the 45th floor of our building.
"Look underneath the ledge, Luke," Said the voice. I leant over the ledge and glanced underneath - scrawled were the words: "". Just then a gust of wind came along, whipping the phone out of my hand and nearly toppling me out into the abyss.

I clambered back in, said "Stuff this..." and went back to work.

Don't ask me what it meant... twas just weird!
