Saturday, May 19, 2007

I'm on youtube!!

For all those out there who still read my blog! I am on youtube.

Now that I'm famous (I'm on the internet!!) I'll try and post more of my famously famous exploits.




Blogger Matt M said...


5/19/2007 1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very different :)

5/21/2007 9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last post was supposed to be from me :)

Um, elaborate on what i said in our brief conversation :)...I liked the second piece better than the first, although I didn't like the bit where it completely changed (i.e. the second half).

And you kinda have to be in the right frame of mind to listen to that stuff.

Was it a uni thing? Did you get marked on it? Or was it just fun?


5/21/2007 9:47 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

A bit of everything. I think at the moment the group (Simulation) is still forming its base... we're all learning as we go, so I think at the moment we're not exactly cemented in what we want to do. This stuff I still find a bit weird, but I can see really interesting ways that its heading - it's not so much music as art, and thus you have to imagine it almost as a gallery piece I think anyway.

5/25/2007 7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, just to clarify - 'that stuff' was not meant in any way to be read as a demeaning term. I mean, music probably shouldn't be referred to as 'stuff', but that's just the phrase I happened to use at the time i was posting. Hope it wasn't misinterpreted. :)

Anyways, you still didn't answer whether the piece was graded (as in a uni assignment piece) or just for personal enjoyment???

And I find your comment about 'it wasn't so much music as art' very interesting. I've always had this thing of regarding some movies as more like an artwork or a painting than a movie. Examples of this are Picnic at Hanging Rock and The Illusionist. Basically the entire movie captures just one mood and generally relies on one musical theme. As a result of this, when you have finished watching the movie, you get the feeling that rather than having just watched a movie, you have spent the last two hours looking at an artwork, viewing it as a whole but also noticing the details in it. Anyway, this is just one of my random beliefs. But I thought it kind of tied in with your comment.


6/02/2007 10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess what? I have a blog now! Check it out...


6/09/2007 6:14 PM  

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