New Year ey...
Hey all... It's a new year innit... I suppose I should come back and say hi.
I'm back at uni, playing catchup :S however it's the kind of catch up that's really quite stimulating. I'm doing three subjects this semester - Jazz & Pop Workshop, World Music and Composing for Digital Environments. Awesome stuff in all three subjects so far. I feel inspired each week. Composing for Digital is really starting to grab a hold on me - it's more about programming, and this kind of programming I can really dig :)
Been challenged in so many ways over the past month or so, but it's been a good few weeks. I'll be having my 21st Birthday party (Yeehah :D) in a couple of weeks, you all better be there. I won't accept any excuse that isn't accompanied by a Doctor's Certificate.
Hope that everyone out there is going well, and if you know me, or are in the Coopers Plains area on the 24th, you're invited to my bash - the invite is included below. (I think if you click on it it'll take you to a bigger copy...)
I can't make it, and I don't have a doctor's certificate :-(
Does 1600 km or so count as a good enough excuse?
Nice invitation tho!
ohhh, I should be there!
Do I still get zinc even if I wear the right colours?
Uh yeah, Luke, sorry mate, but I'll have to take a rain check. They won't let me out for the weekend :P:P
Tigers in a Cheese Song
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