Friday, September 15, 2006

Punk Cabaret Is Freedom

Heysa All :)

Just got home from the Dresden Dolls' gig - which I walked out of and went into the brunswick st mall and caught the end of Regurgitator's set!!

Twas a brilliant night. Myself and Aaron arrived at the Arena at a ridiculously early time for a gig to start (darn all ages gigs... but it was fun getting out and it only being 10pm) and we were first of all entertained by a guy named Jason Webley. Who would have thought one man with one accordion could be so entertaining... he was a great act, working the crowd with finesse. At one point he had the entire dance floor (yes they were the under 18's) twirling around in a circle to create the effect of being drunk.

The second act was the zen zen zo physical theatre people, it was really cool, with a musical act being accompanied by about 10 whitewashed actors ... well dancing of sorts in their spot on the dancefloor. Anyway it kinda defies description... hypnotically beautiful though.

The third act was The Red Paintings, which was hugely visually integrating. For those not in the know, it's a five piece band with guitar/vox, bass guitar, drums, cello/vox and violin. These guys are dressed up outrageously, with them all dressed up in traditional japanese kimonos and stuff. Down the front of the stage, they have painters they know painting on huge canvasses while they play, and behind them they have a giant projection screen showing apocalyptic images. However, even with all the visuals, some of their sound went a bit awry. I quite liked it all, but perhaps not all their songs held my focus and perhaps jarred a bit. That can be good, but tonight not everything worked well for them.

Then, [sigh], the Dresden Dolls came on. I had been anxious to see how two people with three instruments (piano + vox, drums) could create any semblance of the large sound on their records. They didn't let me down, and exceeded all expectations - a wonderful mix of dynamism in their physical communication and a beautiful mix. Even through my -25dB perception (musician's earplugs) it rocked my world. Towards the end the longer and slower songs took its toll on the excited crowd and the concentration wavered, but they brought the focus back with a sneaky encore with Jason Webley. Overall, left me feeling excited about taking over the world. Just on a random note (although their musicality is in some ways similar...) I can't wait til Muse tours next.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth

So. Over the past post or so, we've seen a bit of a reaction about worship in the realms of vocal congregational worship. Just for this post, let's put aside the other aspects of worship (not permanently hopefully!) and focus on our views and opinions about the whole thing.

I guess I should start by saying that there has been alot said that I think could be relegated into the realms of personal taste (but that's just my personal opinion ;) ). Like, yes, I personally would love songs to take it to the next level - with Hillsong and Planetshakers it's fast becoming an annual album for a conference deal while the quality of songs gets left in the dust. I also agree that the words used and chordal patterns in many songs are getting old

However, I thought it best to recognise that we cannot move on without leaving certain things behind - by that I mean that some people do really appreciate old hymns - much more so than anything produced in the last forty years. The oldies at our church are silent right up until you pull out "What a friend we have in Jesus" and then they'll bust out with all of their frail lung capacity. It's quite humbling really, some of them sing louder than the teenagers.

And to completely discount Planet Shakers would be as ludicrous as saying that Pop music has had no impact on the musical community at large. I know many people really like Planetshakers stuff, even if the songs share not only structure but chordal basis and timbral mix. I know heaps of people enjoy singing "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs even though I personally am with Frost on this one, I don't like 'em at all.

I'd also like to say that although some words have been used to death, singing them still does resonate within me. Keith Green wrote "Your grace abounds unto me" - a phrase using old grammar but which says it so clearly still. One of my favourite songs is "As the deer". I mean, it's straight from scripture, but it still uses the word "panteth" :) Gotta love it.

Anyway. What my question is to the community at large, and please feel free to make long comments, do you feel there is a way forward which takes in all the diverse cultural, denominational and personal tastes of Christians today?


Monday, September 11, 2006

A few good reads

Here's a few good links thanks to Matt :D

I'm lucky I was bored otherwise I would have never stumbled upon these gems - I recommend reading at least this one: Link even if you're not bored :D

Also visit for some interesting left-winger kinda stuff. It's especially good if you think that Christianity should extend beyond the borders of the church and into things like environmentalism etc.



Well, kinda.

Yes, it's true, I have the next three weeks off, but that's only because I'm in the music faculty. I have to come into uni for three days out of the next two weeks to practice for...

---| ESCAPE |---

Yes. I have emphasised its importance through the cunning use of Ascii characters. Escape is the annual showcase for QUT music and sound students. I've been asked many a time what I'm doing for escape, and the answer is... complicated. I started off having composed this kinda nice ethereal piece (we were supposed to do some kind of computer piece) but then we were asked to perhaps make it meaner. So we went the whole hog, and the climax of our piece has my partner in crime/music hitting his guitar with his cast (he broke his arm recently) and screaming into the microphone. We're trying to just go over-the-top with mean, angsty hardcore stuff. Hopefully i'll have a video of it to upload once it's performed, so keep checking the blog.

Until then, I'll keep adding my own brand of witticisms and thoughtful thoughts.
