Monday, February 20, 2006

Officially stoopified

Well its now official, I can ride a bike ;)

I got my license on Saturday, RE, so I can only ride up to and including a 250cc bike. Which is still fun. Eventually if I get a bigger bike I'll just have to get an R license.

So... what's going on in my head?

I guess I'm realising I still need to grow spiritually. (Duh) But I guess this might be the first time I feel equipped to take the necessary steps...? I don't know really how to articulate it. I think I might need some kind of retreat where it's just me & God. I really need to re-orient my priorities and make certain that nothing is before me and God. Otherwise, my potential is stunted and I don't want that with God.

I'm currently learning alot of stuff, so stay tuned and I'll update you in about 3 days.
