Monday, September 11, 2006


Well, kinda.

Yes, it's true, I have the next three weeks off, but that's only because I'm in the music faculty. I have to come into uni for three days out of the next two weeks to practice for...

---| ESCAPE |---

Yes. I have emphasised its importance through the cunning use of Ascii characters. Escape is the annual showcase for QUT music and sound students. I've been asked many a time what I'm doing for escape, and the answer is... complicated. I started off having composed this kinda nice ethereal piece (we were supposed to do some kind of computer piece) but then we were asked to perhaps make it meaner. So we went the whole hog, and the climax of our piece has my partner in crime/music hitting his guitar with his cast (he broke his arm recently) and screaming into the microphone. We're trying to just go over-the-top with mean, angsty hardcore stuff. Hopefully i'll have a video of it to upload once it's performed, so keep checking the blog.

Until then, I'll keep adding my own brand of witticisms and thoughtful thoughts.



Blogger bumunu said...

Witticisms and thoughtful thoughts are always good Lukas. :)

9/11/2006 1:40 PM  

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