Monday, September 12, 2005

The Best Is Yet To Come...

Heh. The thing about shopping, I've found, is you have to do it quickly, while you still have money but before the guilt steps in. I sold my Foo Fighters ticket today, and then quickly went shopping. JB Hi Fi just keeps getting better... the temptation was magnified by all the cd's I wanted being cheaper than I thought they'd be. I bought Interpol - Antics, and Doves - Some Cities, all up my bill came to $35. I only narrowly avoided buying Coldplay - X & Y, which was $18.99... I'm certain it's only a matter of time before I buy my own JB Hi Fi store.

I finished an assignment this morning, of which I'm very proud. It's even, like, four days early! My tutor scared me though, I played him the soundscape I'd made, and he was initially indicating like I'd totally gone off track... but then I explained to him the ideas and direction behind it and apparently what I've done sounds like a really good idea :-) I'm just perplexed as to how he thought I was on the wrong track at the beginning, and then suddenly was convinced that it was a great idea. Ah well... best leave things well enough alone.

The title of this post is such due to the fact that I'm gonna have some webspace soon, hosting things like fullsize images, video and mp3's.

That's right... online publishing my friends. I'm psyched about it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this talk about shopping makes me wonder... where oh where is the post about A Journey Through the Myer Electrical Catalogue?

9/12/2005 6:49 PM  

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