Monday, September 26, 2005

Well, Stuffed, Actually.

Synopsis: Boring entry actually talking about my life, with poorly constructed sentences :)

A rather large weekend. Satdy night was the guy's retreat. We had a bit of rock climbing, where I once again learnt how weak I really am :). Then we went back to John Kilchester's place, played way too much Xbox, watched a bit of a movie, and ate junk food. ALL NIGHT. We were still playing Halo2 as the sun came up. It was fun, don't get me wrong, but my body's had a couple of weeks of staying up late, eating junk food and watching videos. I'm over it all. I need the vegetables, strict sleep & exercise routine and some serious fibre in my food.

But then, after a good start to this routine (I had veges for dinner on sunday) my housemate and I went over to a friend's place, and we were up until maybe 1:30am again.

Man. Lucky we've got this week off :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pfft, bollocks to your health and fitness routine, you're 19, live like it. More fibre in your diet? honestly you're not a 57 year old with a dodgy colon....

9/26/2005 2:16 PM  
Blogger Gloz said...

too much fiber might cause aware, be so aware! but no fiber might cause constipation, what a dilemma!

9/26/2005 3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gas it is!!!

9/27/2005 9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

luke if you'd asked i would have made u veggies, not with as much salt as u put on them but still... and it's your own fault that you were up so late so you'll get no sympathy from me :-P
as for fiber and exercise...what are we meant to say? you are 19 years old,while you can cook (i assume) it's easier to get get take out. AND who cares about weight? there's nothing wrong with a little squidge! you need squidge to protect your organs. so don't be silly. if you want to shape up then do it because you're starting to feel awful, not because you think you're pudgy. you're fine and dandy just the way you are!

10/02/2005 11:59 PM  

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