Thursday, April 13, 2006

Apologies & the Future

To all my loyal blog-readers,

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for not posting enough; Enough that your lives can be enriched on a day to day basis by inane paragraphs about my thoughts and actions.

I'm sorry for not updating my movie list; You have a right to check to see if you can agree with my taste in movies, enough that if you want to see a movie you could check on my site to see whether it's worth it or not.

I'm sorry that I have chosen to put my university studies above blogging - this is against the natural order of things and shall be rectified soon. The Blog is, and will be my top priority.

Let us now look forward to an age of true blogdom, wherein the small and large blogs alike will be loved and nurtured by their owners, becoming a true embodiment of Blogtopia.

Bloggers Unite!



Blogger Noof said...

I apologise for ever encouraging anyone to get on a blog, and causing them to cave in to the pressure of their readership!

Btw, any of you gentlemen who frequent this blog happen to have anything to do with the fact that word verification proposed to me the other day??? ;-)

4/13/2006 2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurrah! Kudos to you and your commitment my friend. And Nicola...i had absolutely nothing to do with your little proposal, don't be too disappointed:P

4/13/2006 4:06 PM  
Blogger bumunu said...

Meanwhile Lukas,quick and random question;you read any books by Adrian Plass yet? If so, yay. If not, that must become your new top priority. GET ON IT.

4/13/2006 10:54 PM  
Blogger Noof said...

I'm crushed Aaron.

Hi Bimini! I attempted reading some of an Adrian Plass book to Luke a few times - I'm not sure if he took it in or not, but I had fun. (It was 'An Alien at St Wilfreds', btw :-)

4/17/2006 6:35 PM  
Blogger bumunu said...

haha, niiice. I'm a fan of the sacred diary's myself, and 'life from a bouncy castle'. Yay! someone else who reads adrian plass!

4/19/2006 1:23 AM  

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