Saturday, October 29, 2005

Well it made me laugh

It's only a small thing, but it made me laugh. I've been sorting assignments and scanning them for the past 5-6 hours, so my brain put me on autopilot in 'boredom' setting. I was just scanning a large pile of C++ assignments, checking to make sure all of them were worksheet 6's and not 5's - All of them should say worksheet 6 in the assignment description, or the assignment number.

On this particular assignment, in the 'description' field, the submitter had written, "Utter Excrement".



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top marks for honesty...

10/29/2005 4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had the guts to write that on my assignments. I have many assignments that a comment of that nature would be perfect!

10/30/2005 12:53 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

Also back in grade twelve, final (well the only ones that would count) exams were in Term 3. I didn't do biology, but a guy in our grade told us that on his final test, for all the questions he either wrote "ENZYMES", "CatALyst", or "MUSHROOMS!!!" and drew a picture.

10/31/2005 7:20 AM  

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