Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Brain Needs Out...

Well, this is a post that periodically comes along in my blog. Alot's happening in my life at the moment, and I tend to come up with "Projects" - things that I want or need to accomplish.

The other night Aaron was saying that he thinks I go through 'phases' - where I'm really keen about doing something for the rest of my life, but then I change. I don't think that's right really... my life tends to have certain interests that it revolves around, and at various points in my life those interests change places in my priorities ladder.

Anyway this blog entry is perhaps more for me than for you guys, I just need to write down exactly what's going on in my head so I can systematically try and get them done :)

*Luke's Brain*

expressed in point form

  1. Religion
  2. Woodwork
  3. Art
  4. Music (Electronics...)
  5. Film
  6. Business
1. Religion

Church, Nitelife, Evangelism etc... It's all encompassing at the moment, God's really challenging me in the areas of sharing with friends. It's an interesting thought that I'm pondering on though. If Jesus came to set us free from guilt, is it right to feel guilty about not sharing with friends enough? Good books I'm reading at the moment include: 2nd Samuel, The Message translation of all the Gospels, Surprised by Joy by CS Lewis, and Desiring God by John Piper.

2. Woodwork

I've been into woodwork for ages, its one of my dad's hobbies, so its been passed on to me. In fact, most of Dads hobbies have been passed onto me - Woodwork, electronics, sound, etc. It's great. In the woodwork area I bought alot of hardware last Sunday - wood saw, hacksaw, wood stain & sealer, paint brushes, sandpaper, mineral turps, workhorses, thin plywood, shelving brackets and much much more. Anyway all this stuff is for three main ends - I want to re-stain and seal a wooden bowl i picked up at a garage sale, I want to put a backing on a picture frame I bought at the same sale, and I want to put a big shelf up in my garage. Should be good fun, if I get time :)

3. Art

I've also been into Art in general, especially drawing, painting and photography for a while, but I haven't had the chance or materials to get back into it. Hopefully I'll get the chance over the next few weekends. Painting would be great to get back into especially, as it has the potential to bring in a small amount of pocket money with the help of ebay ;)

4. Music (& Electronics)

I've been really getting into music again this semester, with a few assignments well on their way to being done way ahead of time :D :D I'm working on combining composition and performance with the use of Ableton Live, I just hope that I can perfect it sooner rather than later - I have to report on my progress by this thursday. I just need to record some samples which I can trigger, and practice recording and playing back exact measures of audio in Ableton. I'm also working on placing a cheap dick smith cardioid microphone inside my ukulele - the guitar pickup I bought ... doesn't really fit :). Anyway I've tested the microphone hooked up to a mono socket, it works fine, I just need to get some solder and find my drill's recharging station so I can drill a hole through my uke.

5. Film

There's an idea floating around about the next social (not the antisocial) and it could be a corker. However I would want to make a film about the preparation for this social - it could be awesome.

6. Business

Well not really business. I'm just really keen about spending wisely at the moment, so I like it when my hobbies pay for themselves. Going to garage sales are great, because I can pick up stuff that I can either on-sell (CD's, DVD's) or restore and sell at a later date (like the wooden bowl). My last good visit to a garage sale has paid for itself, so I'm a happy chappy :)

Extension on no. 4

I'm saving up at the moment to buy a portable recording studio - that would involve a laptop, an audio interface, some good mikes and a portable recording booth. That's my goal at the moment.

Well that's about it, not much of it may make sense to all of you, but hopefully I've let you a little bit more into my head. Hopefully you'll gain some enlightenment from it... but I understand you probably won't ;)



Blogger Jennifah said...

I think it's good to sort all that out. I usually run around in circles wondering which direction I should face. I hope your priorities stay in order - at least until they change again. Flibbity, Dibbity, Ding, Dang, Dong...A.D.D.

8/08/2006 3:55 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

hmm, there's only so much artwork you can hang on to hey :) Plus we don't have that much space to start with. Also I think it's just an eccentricity of mine but i like the idea of my stuff hanging on someone else's wall rather than mine...

8/09/2006 4:21 AM  
Blogger Pete said...

I see it like this......

8/09/2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Pete said...

It's an investment....

8/09/2006 10:26 AM  
Blogger Jennifah said...

VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
-the best monologue in V for Vendetta
ENJOY, Vennifah

8/09/2006 1:12 PM  
Blogger bumunu said...

You know, I can't say that I entirely disagree with Aarons theory of the phases...

8/09/2006 3:58 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

What evidence would you base that on, bimini? And yes, I do have what looks like phases. I have periods of my life where different things matter a different amount to me. Doesn't everyone?

8/09/2006 7:56 PM  
Blogger Noof said...

Yeah, I think they do. Heh heh - just I think yours are a lot more noticeable than the average person's ;-) It's not a bad thing at all - I'm always wondering where you get all this energy to come up with and do all these new things.

As for feeling guilty about not sharing with friends enough - yeah, I feel like that too sometimes. On one hand, enough is never enough, so do what you can. And on the other hand, whether or not it's right to feel guilty about it, it's not going to hurt us to actually just go and share. (On that note, Missy and I are going to be starting a CE with a girl we met yesterday on campus doing surveys - hooray, they do work! lol)

8/10/2006 10:43 AM  
Blogger bumunu said...

It's not a bad thing Luke! I don't mean it as criticism. But I remember you telling me about how you were a keen motorbike enthusiast -you sounded almost like you wanted to join a bikie group you were so into it- and now you're selling/have sold your bike? And didn't you get a loan at one stage to start a computer skills course or something?

8/11/2006 3:53 PM  
Blogger jess said...

the bike thing is my fault. luke really can't cop all the blame for that one. he does love the bike but he's listened to all those people who told him it was a suicide booth on wheels and is now selling his beloved bike

8/11/2006 9:00 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

I got a grant. I tried to get it to work for about 8 months, but between my supervisor having to deal with about 1400 other things like the merger of her section into another and bla bla bla it just never got any attention, like I needed things like employment contracts, advertising, accounts within QUT to be set up, and all that can't be done without a supervisor. Plus full time uni does take a bit of a toll. Anyway, yeah I didn't mean to take the observation that I go through phases badly, but it just came across that way. I'm fine with it, I'll just keep doing whatever I'm doing :)

8/11/2006 10:40 PM  
Blogger bumunu said...

heh, fair enough. Hey, I agree with the suicide booth thing! Hearty approval for the giving up of the bike from me

8/15/2006 5:37 PM  

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